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Chotchkes Trend: Home is Now the Hub

home is the hub of people's lives

At A Glance

  • In the current climate, people spend more time at home than ever before
  • This means customers are trending towards products that make their home a more livable space for work, rest, exercise and just hanging out
  • Your brand can turn a customer’s home from the place they have to be, to the place they want to be.

With everyone working from home these days, our spaces house a wide range of activities. Now our home has to hold our aspirations of producing great work and winding down after a long day. Many people are making upgrades and adjustments to their home to create an atmosphere that fosters personal and career success. This means you can create a more sustained presence in your customer’s life by integrating your brand with the home. Here are trends to watch for in the Promo industry that are all about making your home the hub of your life.

Seamless Transition

Now there’s no need to worry about your appearance in your workspace, except when you need to look decent from the waist up for a video meeting. For this reason customers want versatile clothes that feel and look good while getting work done, exercising, and lounging on the couch. Steer customers towards athleisure that can always fit what they are looking for. Collectively, people veer from items that feel complicated or uncomfortable. Customers want to seamlessly transition from one thing to the next.

Look for footwear that feels good around the house but functions well for walking the dog or making a trip to the grocery store. As people spend more time at home, slippers and slides are more sought after. Versatile house shoes can market your brand and make a constant appearance in the lives of your customers.

Capitalize on comfort

For many new work-from-homers, their office is actually their kitchen table or a not-so-comfortable desk that used to only exist as decoration. This means customers are looking for ways to feel at ease in their work environment and minimize distracting thoughts about an uncomfortable chair. Customers want products like a padded chair cushion, lumbar backrest or keyboard rests. These items will keep people feeling happily productive thanks to your brand’s comfortable additions.

As comfortable as your home can feel, people are always open to products that can increase their contentment. Consider ways to take a customer’s comfort to another level. Weighted blankets can decrease stress and anxiety, which helps when you can’t escape work stress because your home is also your office. Help people ease into a peaceful setting with a room diffuser. This item can help your customer feel focused or relaxed. Products like these will brand you as a companion to feeling content.

Environment to Thrive

Due to all the changes happening in the world, people don’t have their usual outlets to stay healthy mentally. This means customers want to make their homes a place to thrive in every aspect of their life. Focus on products that integrate wellbeing and ways to unplug, these products will show your brand cares about the customer completely. Highlight products that de-stress and ease the strain on your body from work. Think about products like blue light blocking glasses, that will help your customer keep unhealthy levels of blue light from their eyes so they can fall asleep at night after a long workday.

Products that also alleviate stress like a yoga mat or self-care items will help your customers switch gears and take a break. Emphasize ways to boost wellness and healthy habits at home. This means that when customers are missing their gym or spa, your brand can offer an outlet for boosting their well being.

Wrap Up

Current trends show that people want a home that is comfortable and fulfills every need. Be the brand that can make a customer’s home the ideal spot for every task. Following this trend will set you apart as a vital aspect of your customer’s life.

BrandNews is the official blog of

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Sustainable Gifts trend in the midst of COVID

At a Glance

  • Coronavirus is causing an uptick environmental consciousness
  • Anticipate connecting with customers through gifts made from sustainably sourced materials with a minimalist trend and expansive function.
  • Expect your sustainable products to convey your brand’s passion more effectively and foster unity with your customers

In the coronavirus age, customers will track with brands who work alongside them in earth conscious efforts. With news constantly developing, signs of environmental reprieve have given us a reason to be hopeful about our future. 2020 could be a year for reduced emissions and an overall healthier planet. That means customers want to be reached with gifts and products with sustainability as the throughline.

Past trends show that emissions spike after times of significant cutbacks, but the coronavirus era may prove to be different. As businesses begin to open, mindsets are even more keen on continuing environmental progress. People are more tuned into environmental happenings and feel more educated about ways to help the planet. Here are globally conscious trends in the promo space that will make your brand relationships and the planet more resilient:

Consciously Source

People care where products are sourced and take stock in cleaner origins. This means customers will notice the previous life of any promotional product. You can expect interest to gravitate towards items made with renewable and reclaimed resources, like these wheat-based sunglasses. People want to recognize the material used in a product, and most of all they want to know that using that source will not hurt the earth. They especially like products made from sustainable materials that are easily recycled when it’s time to give it up.

Following this trend towards consciously sourcing and producing gifts is a new way for your brand to team up with customers. Working towards an external goal of being better by the earth offers another way to win with your customers. The collective you target will want to partner with brands who value their priorities.

Maximize Minimalism

Coronavirus has caused everyone’s world to shrink, which means people are taking stock of what they have and what they actually need. This trend of environmentalism signifies that people want fewer, more meaningful products that add something valuable to their sphere. They also appreciate products that are sustainably packaged. Customers will notice brands that involve a small amount of material that is recognizable and recyclable.

For this reason, overdoing the number of gifts given or using wasteful materials will anger customers and move back your brand’s rapport in sustainable efforts. Customers desire for less means that promotional products get to be more purposeful and give your name more gravity. One product to consider is Wireless headphones, they will stick by your audience’s side and keep your name on their mind.

Emphasize Multifunctionality

Coronavirus has blurred lines between many spaces from home and office to the gym and living room. For this reason, people will trend towards products that offer multiple functions because they make life easier and waste less. Gifts like weatherproof outerwear let customers have one jacket that can offer protection in any environment. Multi-use powerbanks make people feel like multiple needs can be met with one object, and less material is wasted.

A desire for multifunctionality makes it easy to show up in customer’s lives through multiple avenues and concepts. Becoming more environmentally conscious doesn’t just mean using better materials, but using your resources more effectively. Multifunction products also make people feel like your partnership is a win after giving something more useful.

Wrap Up

Especially in the wake of a global pandemic, customers care about doing right by the earth. Following this trend of responsibly sourcing materials, wasting less and emphasizing functionality will foster respect and popularity around your brand. Emphasizing consciousness will share your mission with the world. Then people will desire to partner with you in the prosperity of their business and the earth.

BrandNews is the official blog of